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Potatoes have long been a beloved staple in many cuisines around the world. Whether they are roasted, fried, or boiled, these versatile tubers can be transformed into a multitude of mouthwatering dishes. One of the most popular renditions, however, is the creamy and comforting mashed potatoes.

When serving mashed potatoes, it is recommended to plan for approximately 1 cup per person. This is equivalent to about 2 medium-sized potatoes or 1/3 to 1/2 pound of potatoes per person. It’s always better to make a little extra to ensure that everyone has enough to enjoy. Remember, the serving size may vary slightly depending on personal preferences and dietary needs.

So, if you’ve ever wondered about the ideal serving size for mashed potatoes, join us on this culinary journey. Let’s discover the secrets to achieving harmonious potato-to-person ratios and ensure everyone at your table enjoys the ultimate mashed potato experience!


How many potatoes for mashed potatoes for 6 adults?

For six adults, you would need around 24 to 36 ounces (680 to 1,020 grams) of mashed potatoes. To achieve this amount, you can use approximately 4 to 6 medium-sized potatoes.

On average, a medium-sized potato weighs approximately 5 to 6 ounces (142 to 170 grams). To determine how many potatoes you’ll need, consider that each adult will likely consume about 4 to 6 ounces (113 to 170 grams) of mashed potatoes. This estimation accounts for individual appetites and the presence of other side dishes.

How many mashed potatoes do I need for 30 people?

To determine how many mashed potatoes you’ll need for 30 people, you’ll have to consider the portion size and the appetite of your guests. Each adult will average consume about 4 to 6 ounces (113 to 170 grams) of mashed potatoes. For simplicity, let’s assume each person will have a 4-ounce portion.

To calculate the total amount of mashed potatoes needed, multiply the portion size (4 ounces) by the number of people (30), which gives you 120 ounces. Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, you’ll need approximately 7.5 pounds of mashed potatoes.

Keep in mind that this calculation assumes a standard serving size, and individual appetites may vary. If you know your guests have more enormous appetites, or if mashed potatoes are a main attraction, you might want to increase the portion size to 6 ounces per person or prepare additional servings.

an image of homemade mashed potato

How much prepared mashed potatoes per person?

As a general guideline, you can estimate about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of mashed potatoes per person. This should be sufficient for a typical serving, but you may want to adjust based on your specific circumstances.

For larger gatherings or holiday feasts where people tend to indulge more, consider serving closer to 3/4 to 1 cup per person. On the other hand, if you have many side dishes or a health-conscious crowd, you could stick to the lower end of the range.

It’s essential to consider the context of your meal. You can offer smaller portions if it’s a buffet-style dinner with multiple side options. However, if mashed potatoes are the centerpiece or main source of carbs, you may want to be more generous.

How many people does 24 oz mashed potatoes feed?

The number of people that 24 ounces of mashed potatoes can feed depends on your serving size. On average, a typical serving of mashed potatoes is around 4 to 6 ounces per person.

If we assume a conservative portion size of 4 ounces per person, you can divide the total amount of mashed potatoes (24 ounces) by the portion size (4 ounces). In this case, 24 ounces divided by 4 ounces equals 6. This means that 24 ounces of mashed potatoes would be enough to serve approximately 6 people.

However, if you are serving larger portions or if mashed potatoes are the main focus of the meal, consider reducing the number of people it can feed. For example, if you increase the portion size to 6 ounces per person, you would be able to serve around 4 people with 24 ounces of mashed potatoes.

How many mashed potatoes do I need for 25 people?

On average, each adult will consume about 4 to 6 ounces (113 to 170 grams) of mashed potatoes. For simplicity, let’s assume each person will have a 4-ounce portion.

To calculate the total amount of mashed potatoes needed, multiply the portion size (4 ounces) by the number of people (25), which gives you 100 ounces. Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, you’ll need approximately 6.25 pounds (or 2.8 kilograms) of mashed potatoes.

mashed potato image with text"How Much Mashed Potatoes Per Person"

How much mashed potatoes for 25 adults?

When serving mashed potatoes for 25 adults, it’s important to consider portion sizes and the appetites of your guests. On average, each adult will consume about 4 to 6 ounces (113 to 170 grams) of mashed potatoes.

To calculate the total amount of mashed potatoes needed, let’s assume a conservative portion size of 4 ounces per person. Multiply the portion size (4 ounces) by the number of adults (25). This gives you a total of 100 ounces.

Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, you’ll need approximately 6.25 pounds (or 2.8 kilograms) of mashed potatoes to serve 25 adults.

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