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Parents get stressed. There isn’t a debate to be had about this – it’s a fact, but that doesn’t mean it has to take over your life or become too much of a problem. When parents are aware that they’ll get stressed and that things are going to be hard now they have children to take care of, they can put measures in place to help themselves feel more relaxed, less overwhelmed, and still be great parents – or perhaps even better parents than before because they’re no longer stressed.

So, with that in mind, it’s useful for parents to know the various ways they can manage stress to feel better.

The truth is there are many different routes you can go down, so here are just a few solutions to get you started. 

woman working with kids around her

Make Time For Yourself

One of the best ways to manage stress as a parent is to make time for yourself and always make sure you prioritize self-care when you need to. That isn’t always easy to do, as you’ll need to carve out some time just for you, and even if it is possible, you might feel guilty about it, but remember it’s for a good cause; the less stressed you are, the better a parent you can be. 

That’s why it’s crucial to dedicate even just a little bit of time each day to your own needs and do something you enjoy to help you wind down and relax. It could be reading, taking a walk, taking part in some kind of hobby, baking, listening to music, taking a bath, or anything at all – as long as it makes you feel calmer and you can enjoy it. 

If you’re having trouble unwinding, something that can help is practicing mindfulness techniques, like meditation and yoga. Even a few minutes of deep breathing can help you feel better and de-stress you quickly. 

Build A Support System

Something that will always add to your stress levels is trying to do everything yourself, and that’s true whether we’re talking about parenting or anything else. If you have people around you who you can rely on to help out when need be, in a variety of different ways, then you’ll always be able to share the load, and that’s crucial when things are starting to get on top of you and feel too much. 

Look for other parents who can relate to your experiences, whatever they might be, and you’ll find that you’re able to talk to them about all kinds of things, and you’ll get advice and help in return. Plus, you’ll be able to give advice when you can, helping everyone share the wisdom and ensuring all parents learn how to parent in a less stressful way. 

If you have a partner, they can be great support too, and it’s great if you can parent together, even if you’re not in a relationship. Make sure you communicate openly with them about how you’re feeling because they might not think they need to step in until they hear you’re having problems and feeling stressed.

In fact, the same is true of any of your family and friends; it’s highly likely they’ll be more than happy to help out in some way, but they won’t want to step on your toes, so make sure you let them know if you need them – it’s not a sign of weakness, so never think it is. 

a mom calling someone over the phone while taking care of her kids

Time Management 

Some parents feel stressed because they have so much to do and not enough time to do it. This leads to more stress, which leads to them being unproductive, which means even less gets done, and so it goes on, getting worse and worse. 

That’s why, if you want to be a less stressed parent and manage your stress better, you need to become great at time management – in that way, you’ll get everything done (everything important, at least) and not feel so overwhelmed all the time, even if you have a long to-do list. 

Start by making a realistic daily and weekly schedule. When you do this, you’ll be able to plan out when everything can get done, and you’ll also be able to make sure you add some downtime and self-care time. It might surprise you just how well you can get everything to fit into the time you have available when you take a few moments to think it all through. 

It’s also wise to delegate some tasks if you can. This is where the support system we mentioned above can be useful, as the people who want to help out can take on some of your tasks.

You can even delegate tasks to your children if they’re old enough, and this is a great idea not just because it gives you more time to do other things but because it teaches them useful life lessons for the future and helps them to be more self-sufficient. 

If you like this idea, you will need to spend some time teaching your kids what to do, but once they know, it’s going to really help. If you’re not sure how to teach some things, don’t worry; you should be able to find information online.

For example, if you want to teach your kid how to do their own hair, saving you lots of time in the mornings when you’re rushing about, sit with them while they go through bubble braids tutorials or other useful hair styling information. They’ll learn quickly, and you’ll be free to organize breakfast, pack school bags, make sure homework is done, and get yourself ready, too. 

Set Realistic Expectations 

Here’s a thought that might not have occurred to you – no parent is perfect. It’s true that when you’re looking at how other parents do things, and especially when comparing what you see with your own possibly rather messy and certainly rather stressful life, it will seem as though other parents have it all in hand and know what they’re doing, but that’s not the case.

No one knows what to do, and everyone’s covering up how they really manage when it comes to the outside world. 

Keeping that idea in mind is useful, and it can be a mantra that you repeat to yourself when things are getting stressful. It’s also useful to remember that making mistakes is just part of how you’ll learn to be a better parent over time, and it’s something everyone goes through (even if they don’t talk about it).

You need to focus on what matters, including spending quality time with your children and making wonderful memories, rather than trying to live up to some impossible standards that just can’t be achieved. 

When you do this, you’ll instantly become a lot less stressed, and you’ll find that you enjoy the day-to-day challenges of parenting much more because the pressure to get things perfect is gone. 

father and daughter meal prepping

Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle 

Being healthy is important for a number of different reasons, including the fact that, when you’re healthy, you can be a more active, present parent. However, you can also be a lot less stressed when you’re doing what you can to stay healthy, so it’s a good thing to do no matter what. 

Take exercise, for example. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which can help alleviate the symptoms of stress and boost your mood. By adding some physical activity into your day (and this could also count as your self-care time if that works for you), even if it’s just a short walk, you’ll be doing a lot of good for your body, mind, and parenting abilities. 

The same is true about the food you eat. When you enjoy a healthy, well-balanced diet full of all the nutrients you need to stay in the best shape, you’ll actually be able to handle stress a lot better – your mind will be sharp, and you’ll feel good. Avoid too much caffeine or foods that contain a lot of sugar, as these can worsen stress levels.

Of course, they’re great for a little treat and a pick-me-up, so don’t completely cut them out of your diet (if you do, you might get cravings and withdrawal, which will also make you feel more stressed!). 

Get Professional Help

We’re not saying that all parental stress can be dealt with in a quick, simple way, and it could be more deep-seated than you realize, meaning it could be a lot more serious; it might not even be linked to parenting at all because mental health issues can come about for a wide range of different reasons. 

If you can’t find a way to reduce your stress and nothing seems to be working, getting professional help is a good idea. For example, you can speak to your doctor for advice or book a session with a therapist or psychiatrist. Even if it’s not something you want to do, it’s often necessary, and it can bring you a lot of relief when an expert gets involved. 

mom working in a couch with his son trying to hit her with a pillow with text: "Manage Stress As A Parent"

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