Transferring to another home is stressful enough. But moving with kids can be a nightmare. Most of us will move multiple times, and it can be hard on everyone. However, kids need to be involved in the process, and it needs to be fun to help everyone get through it as a family.

Put Labels on Pretty Much Everything
Organization is critical when planning a move. You need to know what is what and where they are going. Without some kind of system, there is going to be chaos. Fortunately, all you need is some supplies and boxes, which you can buy from services like Texan Box at Sticky labels are markers that are the easiest way to label everything you need, and the kids love doing this, especially when it comes to packaging their own stuff.
Get the Kids Involved in the Process
Sticking labels on stuff is a great way to get the kids involved in moving. It helps keep them occupied and keeps them where you can see them. However, labeling will only take so long, so they will also need other things to do. Get them packing some things that they can handle and won’t break. This could be certain household items and clothing. Putting the kids to work this way keeps them from becoming unruly and will tire them out for an easier move later on.
Reduce the Stress when Moving with Kids
Moving is among the most stressful things in life. Surveys have found that almost half of people find moving to be a stressful activity. And this could be true of kids as well. However, if you are stressed, then moving will become a chore rather than an experience. Try not to do too much at a time and have a plan of attack. If you have a lot of stuff, you will need to pack up over more than one day. Plan the move and schedule some fun breaks and snack treats for the kids.
Have Some Fun when Moving
Positivity is key when moving. With a negative attitude, you will only make a stressful time even worse for yourself and then everyone else. You can make a game of moving by having the kids compete with packing their toys and clothing. Rewarding them will likely keep them occupied, too. Putting on some music will also help alleviate some of the boredom and take some time to play with the kids. A well-earned pizza and soda will make them feel valued as they help.

Say Goodbye to the Old Home
Home is home, no matter where it is. Emotional attachments are formed when you live somewhere, and this is true for adults and children. For kids especially, moving can be emotional because you are taking them away from all they know. Letting them say goodbye helps them deal with the emotional stress of the move. They can say goodbye to the home itself, and inviting their friends around to say goodbye and wish them well will also help them.
Labeling boxes to stay organized helps make moving with kids easier. Finding ways to reduce stress for all the family will help. Saying goodbye helps deal with the emotional stress of it.