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Planning a BBQ or a gathering and wondering how many kabobs per person to prepare? It’s a common question that can make or break a tasty event. 

Firstly, kabobs are a popular choice for gatherings because they’re easy to prepare, versatile, and delicious. Whether you’re grilling meat, seafood, or vegetables, kabobs offer a flavorful and fun way to enjoy a meal together.

Are you planning a barbecue or a gathering with friends and wondering how many kabobs you should make per person? The answer depends on a few factors. Let’s break it down in simple terms.

an image of Kabobs

So, how many kabobs should you make per person? It ultimately depends on appetites, preferences, and what else is being served. 

How Many Kabobs Per Person?

Here’s a basic guideline to help you plan:

Consider the Type of Kabobs

  • If you’re making kabobs with only meat, plan for around 2-3 kabobs per person.
  • For kabobs with a mix of meat and vegetables, aim for 1-2 kabobs per person.
  • Vegetarian or vegan kabobs might require a higher quantity, around 2-3 per person.

Account for Appetites

  • Are your guests big eaters or light nibblers? Adjust your quantities accordingly.
  • If you’re serving a variety of other dishes, like salads, sides, and desserts, you can plan for fewer kabobs per person.

Consider Other Food Items

  • If you’re serving a buffet-style meal with many options, you might need fewer kabobs per person.
  • However, if kabobs are the main course and there aren’t many other food options, you might want to make a few extra.

Kids vs. Adults

  • Children typically eat less than adults, so if there are kids at your gathering, you might need fewer kabobs per person overall.
  • Consider making some kid-friendly kabobs with simpler flavors and smaller portions.

Variety Matters

  • Offering a variety of kabob options can cater to different tastes and dietary preferences.
  • Consider including chicken, beef, shrimp, and vegetable kabobs to accommodate everyone.


  • It’s better to have a little extra food than to run out, so it’s okay to make a few more kabobs than you think you’ll need.
  • Leftover kabobs can be enjoyed as leftovers the next day or frozen for future meals.
a close up image of kabobs

How many kabobs for 12 people?

For 12 people, you’ll want to prepare around 24 to 36 kabobs. If you estimate 2 to 3 kabobs per person, you’ll have enough to ensure everyone gets their fill without leaving anyone hungry.

Adjust the quantity based on the appetites of your guests and whether you’re serving other dishes alongside the kabobs. It’s always a good idea to have a little extra to accommodate varying preferences and appetites.

How many kebabs in a kilo?

The number of kebabs you can make from a kilo of meat depends on various factors such as the size of the kebabs, the ingredients used, and personal preferences. Typically, a kilo of meat can yield around 6 to 10 kebabs.

To break it down further, let’s consider the following:

Size of the kebabs

If you’re making smaller kebabs, you can expect to get more out of a kilo of meat compared to larger ones. Smaller kebabs mean you can shape more portions from the same amount of meat.

Ingredients and fillers

Some recipes call for additional ingredients like vegetables, breadcrumbs, or spices. These can affect the overall weight of each kebab and thus the number you can make from a kilo of meat.

Skewer size and spacing

How tightly packed the meat is on each skewer also impacts the number of kebabs. If you’re generous with the meat, you’ll end up with fewer kebabs compared to when you space the meat more thinly along the skewers.

Considering these factors, it’s safe to estimate that from a kilo of meat, you can make approximately 6 to 10 kebabs, depending on your recipe and preferences. Adjustments can always be made based on your specific needs and the appetites of your guests.

How many chicken kebabs in 1kg?

Assuming each chicken kebab weighs around 50-60 grams, which is a typical size for a skewered piece of chicken along with vegetables, you could expect to make approximately 16-20 chicken kebabs from 1kg of chicken. This estimate accounts for some variation in the size of the kebabs and any additional ingredients like vegetables or marinades.

To make chicken kebabs, you’ll typically cut the chicken into cubes or strips and then thread them onto skewers along with vegetables like bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms. The number of kebabs you can make will also depend on how tightly you pack the chicken and vegetables onto the skewers.

Keep in mind that this is just an estimate, and the actual number of kebabs you can make may vary based on factors like the size of the chicken pieces, how tightly you pack them onto the skewers, and any additional ingredients you use. Adjustments may be needed based on your specific recipe and preferences.

An image of Kabobs with text " How many kabobs per person"

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